Public Art

Home Away From Home was a collaboration with Colby Claycomb, John K. Melvin, Kit Rosenberg and Izumi Yokoyama, known collectively at CENTS. The project was part of the Wonderland exhibition curated by Lance Fung -

CENTS held drawing workshops at the Tenderloin Boys and Girls Club and the Tenderloin After School Program asking kids to draw "a house that moves". Then, we tried to do the impossible: build a structure from a combination of some of the most inventive drawings depicting houses flying, walking, springing and connected with animals. The last four images below are some of my favorites from nearly 100 wonderful drawings that we used to design our sculpture. The young artists were so inventive and sharing with their ideas - a big thanks to them and their participation.

Many families living the Tenderloin community of San Francisco change residencies regularly; hence our interest in a house that moves. We created both large and small versions of the sculpture so that we could push the small one around the Tenderloin neighborhood to interact with people on the sidewalk. 

Links to sites of Members of CENTS:

Colby Claycomb

John K. Melvin

Kit Rosenberg

Izumi Yokoyama -